Middle School Graduation Update
The 2021-2022 academic year marks the first time that 8th-grade cadets have completed all five terms on the One-Subject Plan—a scheduling format that will continue moving forward. Because of this change, the Middle School Graduation format will also undergo some changes, beginning with the Middle School Graduation scheduled for this year on May 18th.
Beginning this year, the Academy will now hold a 7th-Grade promotion ceremony to celebrate and acknowledge the 7th graders’ successful completion of the academic year and subsequent transition to the One-Subject Plan.
This update also serves as a formal invitation to 7th-grade families for this inaugural event. Parents, other family members, and friends are all invited to attend. This year’s ceremony will take place at 10:00 AM in the Wicker Chapel on May 18th. Following the ceremony, 7th-grade cadets will be dismissed to return home for Summer Leave.
For any questions regarding the ceremony, please contact Mrs. Kayla Jones via email at JonesK@fuma.org.